Walter Diggelmann, has been a venture capitalist, consultant and co-founder of various companies in Switzerland, the US and Germany. His focus has been on the marketing of new technologies. Walter is one of the co-founders of ai-one™. Walter is a technology evangelist and visionary entrepreneur. Walter was a lecturer in business planning and case studies at the Polygraphic Academy of Zurich.  With DIWA-Capital, Walter is supporting innovative and challenging ideas in the field of biologically inspired intelligence, a new generation of artificial intelligence that will power the next decade of software and intelligent machines..

The experts team consists of proven experts with many years of experience in various business areas. No matter if it is about process optimization, business development, management strategies, IT strategies in the environment of digital transformation with AI, DIWA-Capital has the right experts in its team. 

Experts, as a part of ai-one with over ten years of experience developing and commercializing BII, DIWA-Capital has access to the ai-one group experts. Tom Marsh, Andreas Thiele, Markus Düblin, Ettore Weilenmann, Martin Kopp, Thomas Diggelmann, Prof. Dr. Reimer and others.

Partnering (The DIWA & ai-one network)

Solid as a rock, - partnerships are a very strong instrument for success as we all know. However, to manage partnerships successfully is a different story. It doesn't matter whether a team is under pressure & stress, or if it is running from success to success. Right then, the right partnership management is the most important. Sustainability and reliability is not only in the product, its born very deep in the relationship within the top management. Trust and continuity of services or products is very crucial to success.  

DIWA-Capital offer the knowledge of its experts to help you developing the right strategies. We have experts in various disciplines trough our worldwide network.